4 Oct 2011

(Sekaido世界堂) Art Supplies shop in Tokyo

I found a nice video introduce the (Sekaido世界堂) Art Supplies shop in Tokyo

I purchase my ART tools at there. Next time when you visit japan, please visit this shop, I'm sure you will found lots of good tools there.


  1. I love this video. I need to save money to visit Japan!

    1. Thank you.
      Please do visit Japan.
      You can save lots of money by buying many manga tools in Sekaido.
      It is much much much more cheaper than over sea online store.

  2. Hi, I stumbled upon your website and had watched your video on Sekaido. I will be heading to Tokyo end of this month and I need to buy some Holbien watercolours because unfortunately this watercolour brand is not carried by any art supplies shops in Malaysia. Can you kindly advise if Sekaido carries this brand of watercolour or it would be great if you can recommend where in Tokyo I can buy it. Much appreciated. Thanks a lot.
